How To Rock Your Life: It Starts and Ends with Love
A few months ago, my friend Sheri asked me to be part of her telesummit and I jumped on board. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to debut my “Love Your Way to Success” 4 steps to transform your ...
Me, Myself, and My Father-in-Law, or, What I Learned From an $8 Potato
“I didn't buy anything.” My father-in-law announced when he walked in the door. “The potatoes were $3 each!” I had sent him to the farmer's market down the street while he was visiting us a few weeks ...
This Is a Test, This Is Only a Test: When Stress Hits, Overcome Fight or Flight
Do you remember those creepy transmissions that used to interrupt your favorite TV shows with loud, high-pitched beeps and an ominous monotone voice repeating, “This is a test. This is only a test”? ...
You’re Not a Fix-‘Er-Up: Why Self-Love Isn’t Like Remodeling a Bathroom
The United States is a very do-it-yourself country. People here are fixers, remodelers, creators and “Look what I did!”-ers. We love to fix up our kitchens, make our own baby food, and run our own b ...
All It Costs Is Being Right: How to Be Happy in Life and Love
You say potato and I say potahto, You say tomato and I say tomahto Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto, Let's call the whole thing off ~ George and Ira Gershwin I was riding the subway last week when I h ...
What’s Your Role In This?
It is difficult not to be unjust to what one loves. ~ Oscar Wilde Driving back home late evening I got stopped by an unmarked police car. The officer stated “Red Light Violation”. It was suggested I a ...
Living Backward
Woody Allen famously said: ''In my next life, I want to live my life backward. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people's home feeling better every day. You ge ...
Love in the Present Moment
His need to win drains him of power. ~ A Zen Master observing one strong competitor losing at an archery game. It is the Summer Olympics. I usually don’t watch sports, but the guy living across ...
What is your coaching style?
Just as each person has their unique personality, each coach has their unique coaching style. While various qualities, such as excellent listening skills, optimism, and open-mindedness should be evide ...
Life Coaching Versus Therapy: 6 Key Differences between Two Careers
If you often get a high from helping friends and family and solving their lives‘ conundrums, you might be attracted to the idea of helping people to make positive changes in their lives. If you feel c ...
9 Common Myths about Life Coaching
Life coaches are often met with eye-rolls and skepticism due to the many misconceptions about their profession. These biases primarily exist because of a lack of knowledge and the fact that the coachi ...
3 Apps that Make You Happier
Happiness- we all want it. Some people are said to be blessed to have happier genes. For the rest of us, it is a skill that we can cultivate deliberately. There are vast differences in the way people ...
How to become a better listener
Today I want to talk to you about how to become a better listener. This is probably one of the most important skills you need to be a good coach, or just to be effective in any communication. T ...
Why You Absolutely, Positively Cannot Do It Alone (and Shouldn’t Want To)
If you're like me—alternating between your electronic devicecs at any given moment—you may feel like you have batteries, not blood, in your veins. Our fast-paced, high-tech culture has programmed us t ...