Feel Your Feelings
In the previous post, we wrote about the challenge of dealing with emotional reactions, the vital information that emotions carry, and the most basic ways to describe the experience. We will continue ...
Where do Emotions Come From?
Emotions are with us since the day we are born. When we develop as infants, we develop emotionally – in response to our environment, other people, and literally every element of our life that we eith ...
Deepening Awareness – Key to Coaching Success
We think. Therefore, we are conscious beings. But we are more than that—we are also self-aware. What is the difference? And why is it important for a life coach to help the client deepen their awar ...
How to Cope with Anxiety
Anxiety comes in all colors and shades. Of all various emotional states, it is anxiety that is associated with most semantic imprecision. Depending on its intensity, it can be described as “disquiet”, ...
What is Anxiety?
How often do we hear about anxiety? It has become one of the most common words my coaching clients use to describe their emotional state. The term usually appears as a noun, but note that its meaning ...
Work Burnout – How to Spot It and Take Action
What is Burnout? We commonly use this term to describe a response to extended stress, mostly at work. Burnout shows in a variety of dimensions: weariness, increased cynicism regarding the job, and imp ...
The Power of Breath
Breath – the ultimate tool of human creativity. …
...How to Boost Your Creativity?
How can I become more creative? What is Creativity? Creativity is a way of life. It embraces the general idea of making unexpected connections between hitherto unrelated elements. For some of us, this ...
Spiritual, But Not Religious?
`“I am spiritual but not religious” is an adage that has gained a lot of currency in recent years. …
...4 Winning Ways to Gain Confidence (And Get a Date!)
“With confidence, you have won before you have started.” -Marcus Garvey I know plenty of great guys who have spent years unsuccessfully swimming around the dating pool and they all have one thing in c ...
How a Dating Coach Can Shape Up Your Love Life: Secrets for New York Singles
I often meet single New Yorkers who are skeptical about what a dating coach can actually do to solve their relationship woes. I like to respond by telling them about my good friend, Betsy. For years ...
3 Tips For Dating in The City
Women in NYC often tell me that they don't have time for dating. From the very limited dating they actually do, they admittedly "fall in love" immediately, yet with little chance to take the relation ...
Marriage Makeover For Stressed Out Couples
My friend Jennifer recently launched a virtual institute for women called Fem Central. There’s a lot of info about health, beauty, love, and money! Here is an article I wrote for her readers: WHEN we ...
10 Ways to Solve The Food Divide So You Can Have Harmony at The Dining Table
“Why are you eating that?” “What?” “That greasy, fattening chow you have here. It’s going to clog your arteries!” “How can you know?” “Don’t you read papers or magazines? Every research has proved it ...
Are You Dating Consciously or Mindlessly?
I have “no-fail” chemistry. (If ) A guy turns me on, he’s the wrong one for me. ~ LINDA BARNES, Snapshot, 1993 Why are you dating wrong kind of person again, and again? Why are you staying in a relati ...
Can’t Buy Me Love!
I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love. ~ Lennon-McCartney In Barrack Obama’s nomination speech, he called for parents to take more responsibility for providing the love and guidance ...
Happy Alone Before Happy Together
To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. ~Oscar Wilde I love reading the Personals section from The New York Review of Books. Just have a look at this:”Smart and beautiful, yet unequiv ...
10 Principles to Dating Consciously
1. Know who you are and what you want. Like an iceberg, we are typically aware only of the tip, while our success and happiness depend upon what lies below the surface. 2. Learn how to get what you wa ...
Embodied Wisdom: The first step to know yourself
Know thyself is the beginning of all wisdom. The first step toward any change is awareness. And the first step to better awareness is to turn your attention inward, not just to your mind, but to your ...
How You Talk to Yourself Matters
“It just hasn’t happened for me.” How often do we say things like this? Or a variety thereof. Is there anything wrong with this sentence? And if so, what is it? Let us examine how we struct ...
How to Speak The Language of Emotions
Let’s face it, emotions can be daunting sometimes. That’s why we often try to dull our sensory experience to “protect” ourselves from certain emotions. These could be primary emotions that we instinc ...
Feel Your Feelings
In the previous post, we wrote about the challenge of dealing with emotional reactions, the vital information that emotions carry, and the most basic ways to describe the experience. We will continue ...
Where do Emotions Come From?
Emotions are with us since the day we are born. When we develop as infants, we develop emotionally – in response to our environment, other people, and literally every element of our life that we eith ...
Deepening Awareness – Key to Coaching Success
We think. Therefore, we are conscious beings. But we are more than that—we are also self-aware. What is the difference? And why is it important for a life coach to help the client deepen their awar ...
Client’s Transformation Cycle
Coaching Clients’ Cycle of Transformation can be approximated by the concept of Hierarchy of Competence, developed in the late 1960s and attributed to Michael M. Broadwell. The model distinguishes b ...
How to Cope with Anxiety
Anxiety comes in all colors and shades. Of all various emotional states, it is anxiety that is associated with most semantic imprecision. Depending on its intensity, it can be described as “disquiet”, ...
What is Anxiety?
How often do we hear about anxiety? It has become one of the most common words my coaching clients use to describe their emotional state. The term usually appears as a noun, but note that its meaning ...