Life Coaching & Business
What is Anxiety?
How often do we hear about anxiety? It has become one of the most common words my coaching clients use to describe their emotional state. The term usually appears as a noun, but note that its meaning ...
Work Burnout – How to Spot It and Take Action
What is Burnout? We commonly use this term to describe a response to extended stress, mostly at work. Burnout shows in a variety of dimensions: weariness, increased cynicism regarding the job, and imp ...
The Power of Breath
Breath – the ultimate tool of human creativity. …
...How to Boost Your Creativity?
How can I become more creative? What is Creativity? Creativity is a way of life. It embraces the general idea of making unexpected connections between hitherto unrelated elements. For some of us, this ...
How to Make Better Decisions?
Many coaching clients experience blocks at the level of decision-making. …
...Spiritual, But Not Religious?
`“I am spiritual but not religious” is an adage that has gained a lot of currency in recent years. …
...Write Your Heart Out: Journaling as a Spiritual Practice
One of the first steps toward finding a spiritual path is to engage in some practice on a regular basis. …
...Breaking away from Social Media, and Give Yourself a Break
In this age of information overload, social media has become the main source of everything, whether it’s communications with our friends and co-workers, newsfeed, or sharing all sorts of content. ...
Breathing as a Spiritual Practice
Have you breathed today yet? How often do you hear this question? And what answer would you offer? Yes? No? Maybe? Breathing – what a unique function! We owe everything to it – the oxygenation of ou ...