Do Better
5 Steps to a More Fulfilling Life
This is my answer to wikiHow's question: How to pick the right goals in life, and achieve them! Many of us have experienced the brief satisfaction of achieving a specific goal, be it when acquiring a ...
3 Easy Ways to Make Money Flow Into Your Life and Business—in 5 Minutes a Day!
I often hear my clients (mostly conscious/spiritually-minded/heart-centered entrepreneurs) say, “I don’t care about money. It’s not about money. I’m not interested in saving money." Can you feel an en ...
You’re On the Right Track, Baby, You Were Born This Way
Okay, I'll admit it—I was never a huge Gaga fan. (Believe it or not, I'm a bit too old for electropop.) But I was genuinely moved by her backstage confession. Gaga's confession is a powerful example o ...
Want To Live Like Lauryn Hill? Get Some Shades
Remember when Lauryn Hill was all the rage? The Fugees R&B rock star hit it big in 1998 when she released her own album, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Then, after announcing that she felt pul ...
The "I Can’t" Crash Diet: Cutting Junk From Your Vocabulary
I'm going on a diet. It's time to cut back. No, I'm not the newest P90X convert and I haven't filled my fridge with a month's supply of meat and potatoes. I'm trimming the fat in my vocabulary, not ...
Addicted to Distractions? Kick the Habit and Put Productivity On Your “To Do” List
How many windows do you have open right now? Be honest. My count is 12. And that's not so bad compared to a normal day of coaching when the bottom of my screen is blinking so blindingly that I have ...
Are You Too Tired to Have Angelina Jolie’s Life?
The other day, a new client walked into my coaching office. "What do you want to see happen in the next 6 months?" I asked. "I want to be an actress like Angelina Jolie." She said. "But I'm stuck in a ...
All It Costs Is Being Right: How to Be Happy in Life and Love
You say potato and I say potahto, You say tomato and I say tomahto Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto, Let's call the whole thing off ~ George and Ira Gershwin I was riding the subway last week when I h ...