Mindset, Emotional & Spiritual Growth
Me, Myself, and My Father-in-Law, or, What I Learned From an $8 Potato
“I didn't buy anything.” My father-in-law announced when he walked in the door. “The potatoes were ...
This Is a Test, This Is Only a Test: When Stress Hits, Overcome Fight or Flight
Do you remember those creepy transmissions that used to interrupt your favorite TV shows with loud, ...
She Power: Why Strength and Femininity Aren’t Mutually Exclusive
Today is International Women's Day: 24 hours dedicated to honoring powerful women across the planet. ...
You’re Not a Fix-‘Er-Up: Why Self-Love Isn’t Like Remodeling a Bathroom
The United States is a very do-it-yourself country. People here are fixers, remodelers, creators an ...
Addicted to Distractions? Kick the Habit and Put Productivity On Your “To Do” List
How many windows do you have open right now? Be honest. My count is 12. And that's not so bad com ...
Learn to Speak Her Love Language (Even If She’s Multilingual)
If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, what language do they speak? (Judging from my experie ...