Life Coaching & Business
The Infidelity Files Volume 2: Why Women Cheat
A few years ago, I said goodbye to a trio of girlfriends headed to Europe for a summer abroad. When they left, all three were married or in serious relationships. When they returned, all three wer ...
The Infidelity Files Volume 1: Why Men Cheat
Thanks to famous cheaters like Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, Richard Burton, and JFK, torrid tales of scams and scandals have sold both hard newspapers and gossip mags alike for decades. Familiar story l ...
All It Costs Is Being Right: How to Be Happy in Life and Love
You say potato and I say potahto, You say tomato and I say tomahto Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto, Let's call the whole thing off ~ George and Ira Gershwin I was riding the subway last week when I h ...
Re-chart the Marriage Journey: Renew, Restore, and Revitalize Your Relationship
“It's normal to get lost midway along the marital journey. Successful couples are those who can renegotiate a new direction when they hit such critical relationship junctures.” -Steve and Cathy Brody, ...
When Saying “No” Means Saying “Yes” To a Healthy Relationship
“What is a boundary? A boundary is a limit. By the limits you set, you protect the integrity of your day, your energy and spirit, the health of your relationships, the pursuits of your heart. Each day ...
The Greatest Love of All: Love Yourself And Your Mate Will Follow
A while back, my client Kari introduced me to “love lists.” I still use Kari’s love list idea (with a few tweaks) in my practice as a dating / life coach and I have to thank her for inspiring me! Alon ...
Nobody’s Perfect: Accepting the Flaws In Your Healthy Relationship
The sparkling lights of Broadway are a big part of the Big Apple's luster. (And a live show often makes for a great date!) A few years back, I remember reading review after review of the musical, “I ...
Dating For Keeps: Yes! You Can Find Long Term Love
“When I was younger, every year on my birthday I would blow out the candles and secretly wish that this would be the year I would find true love.” Lauryn is engaged now and she recounts her single da ...
The Fail-Proof Relationship Fix You Won’t See On TV
“You'll never guess what happened to Lindsey!” Beth blurted out just a few seconds into our conversation. “The poor thing. She found out that Kevin's been cheating for months and she is just complet ...